The disease affecting one or more than one joints, gout happens to be a physiological condition involving inflammation of the affected joints leading to piercing pain. Caused by an excess of uric acid in bloodstream; gout leads to inflammation and pain on account of the crystallization of uric acid around the joints. Basically, gout is of two kinds- chronic and acute. Resulting from the accumulation and crystallization of uric acid, gout of 'acute' type usually affects one particular joint; whereas in cases of chronic gout more than one particular joint may be affected. As part of chronic gout; the sufferer may come under several spells of painfully severe attacks.
Generally afflicting men and, women after menopause, it tends to affect those susceptible to alcohol and medications based on "Hydrochlorothiazide". This excruciatingly painful disease however has a number of home based remedial measures.
What are the symptoms of gout?
The pain associated with gout is often sudden and intense. Joints tend to swell, and can be warm to the touch. The skin around the joint may also take on a deep red or purple hue. People who have had gout for extended periods of time may develop nodules beneath the skin near joints; these are accumulations of uric acid crystals. Attacks can recur in the same joint over weeks, months or years, and repeated bouts of gout can damage the joint. Kidney damage can also occur.
What are the causes of gout?
Gout has a strong genetic component. The hallmark of gout is elevated blood levels of uric acid, a breakdown product of protein metabolism (a distinction should be made by a physician between true gout and pseudogout, a similarly painful, arthritic condition that occurs when calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate crystals are deposited in a joint). Uric acid comes from the metabolism of purines, a subclass of proteins that are abundant in human tissues and such foods as organ meats, sardines, anchovies, mushrooms, asparagus and lentils. Also, a number of drugs and supplements can increase uric acid levels in the blood and its tendency to form irritating crystals in joints. These include salicylates (the active component of aspirin), vitamin B3 (niacin), excess vitamin C and diuretics that may be prescribed for high blood pressure, edema or, cardiovascular disease. Others are Cyclosporine (used to prevent rejection of transplanted organs) and Levodopa for Parkinson's disease. Excess alcohol consumption, being overweight, and exposure to lead in the environment also increase the risk of gout in genetically susceptible individuals. Other risk factors include dehydration and acid conditions of the blood that can result from serious infections, surgery or ketogenic weight loss diets (such as the Atkins diet). The genetic component should not be underestimated, however. It is possible to have high levels of uric acid and never develop gout.
What are the symptoms of gout?
The pain associated with gout is often sudden and intense. Joints tend to swell, and can be warm to the touch. The skin around the joint may also take on a deep red or purple hue. People who have had gout for extended periods of time may develop nodules beneath the skin near joints; these are accumulations of uric acid crystals. Attacks can recur in the same joint over weeks, months or years, and repeated bouts of gout can damage the joint. Kidney damage can also occur.
What are the causes of gout?
Gout has a strong genetic component. The hallmark of gout is elevated blood levels of uric acid, a breakdown product of protein metabolism (a distinction should be made by a physician between true gout and pseudogout, a similarly painful, arthritic condition that occurs when calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate crystals are deposited in a joint). Uric acid comes from the metabolism of purines, a subclass of proteins that are abundant in human tissues and such foods as organ meats, sardines, anchovies, mushrooms, asparagus and lentils. Also, a number of drugs and supplements can increase uric acid levels in the blood and its tendency to form irritating crystals in joints. These include salicylates (the active component of aspirin), vitamin B3 (niacin), excess vitamin C and diuretics that may be prescribed for high blood pressure, edema or, cardiovascular disease. Others are Cyclosporine (used to prevent rejection of transplanted organs) and Levodopa for Parkinson's disease. Excess alcohol consumption, being overweight, and exposure to lead in the environment also increase the risk of gout in genetically susceptible individuals. Other risk factors include dehydration and acid conditions of the blood that can result from serious infections, surgery or ketogenic weight loss diets (such as the Atkins diet). The genetic component should not be underestimated, however. It is possible to have high levels of uric acid and never develop gout.
Natural Treatments for Gout & Home Remedies
1. In cases of severe spells of repeated attacks; diet rich in animal protein should be avoided because red meat, organs of animals and those high in oil content aggravate the conditions of gout.
Similarly alcoholic beverages should also be avoided.
2. Likewise, the malic acid of apple is also beneficial for joint/joints affected by gout. The mentioned acid also neutralizes the excess uric acid. A patient suffering from it is advised to consume one apple on a regular basis.
3. Banana is also effective and can be included in ones diet during the therapeutic stage. Cherries both sweet and sour may be consumed before breakfast to counter the inflammatory conditions of gout. The 'anthocyanins' content of cherries serve to heal the leading symptoms of painful inflammations and joint tenderness. Colored grapes, raspberries and black berries are also beneficial.
4. Usually affecting the toe joint; patients affected with acute gout are often advised to take hot foot bath in water enriched with Epsom salt. In case the conditions affecting more than one joint regular bathing in luke warm water with dashes of Epsom salt proves to be relieving.
5. Application of cold compress and packs to the painfully inflammated joints may also prove to be soothing and relieving. A sheet of disinfected clothe may be filled with crushed ice to be applied on the painful joint when a patient comes under the bout of sudden and excruciatingly painful attack. But frequent application of ice packs should be avoided because excess exposure to the fall in temperature also accounts for crystallization of uric acid.
6. In place of either hot or cold packs; a pack made out of mustard powder, wheat flour and sufficient amount of water can be made to be applied as a thick jelly to the affected areas. You may use cotton or gauze to apply the prepared jelly.
7. Application of tolerably warm castor oil either with cotton ball or flannel coat on the affected joint is one of the remedial options.
8. Similarly alcoholic beverages should also be avoided. Both alcohol and animal protein contribute to the accumulation of uric acid.
9. The citric acid content of lime serves to neutralize excess uric acid in blood stream; the most important element contributing to the occurrence of gout. So daily consumption of water enriched with squeezed juice of half a lemon proves counterproductive from the point of view of gout.
10. Certain herbs with their anti inflammatory properties such as ginger root, capsicum, devil's claw and licorice help to relieve pain. Half a tea spoon of powdered ginger root may be mixed with one cup of boiling water to be consumed regularly. It will go a long way in ensuring relief from pain and inflammation.
11. For relief from pain two tea spoon full measures of cider vinegar and raw honey may be consumed. The anti inflammatory property of honey and malic acid content of apple vinegar will work together to ensure relief.
12. It is imperative that one allows sufficient movement of all the joints to prevent the occurrence of gout because holding on to one position without making way for circulation and movement encourages gout.
13.You can also get rid of gout by drinking a juice made out of french beans.You need to drink the juice you will be able to get rid of the pain that arises due to gout and
13.You can also get rid of gout by drinking a juice made out of french beans.You need to drink the juice you will be able to get rid of the pain that arises due to gout and
will also able to get rid of gout completely.
14. Cherries are highly effective in helping a person to get rid of gout.This is mainly because cherries are rich in vitamin C and work effectively in removing all the uric acid from the body of a person.For a person suffering from gout pain.A person can either eat the cherries raw or can make a juice out of them and drink it at least once a day.
14. Cherries are highly effective in helping a person to get rid of gout.This is mainly because cherries are rich in vitamin C and work effectively in removing all the uric acid from the body of a person.For a person suffering from gout pain.A person can either eat the cherries raw or can make a juice out of them and drink it at least once a day.
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