Saturday, 21 September 2013

Home Remedies For Piles / Hemorrhoids

Piles are medically known as haemorrhoids. It is a condition wherein the veins inside or outside the anus or lower rectum gets inflamed or swollen. Symptoms of piles include feeling of soreness, irritation or pain while passing stool. As a person passes stool, piles get aggravated because of pressure on the rectal area. In some cases, when the condition is severe, bleeding can also occur. 

Causes of Piles

* A number of factors are responsible for the development of piles.

* Irregularity in bowel movement with susceptibility towards constipation and diarrhea is one of the causes.

* Constipation aids the condition of piles by giving way to prolonged straining.

* Absence of fiber, imbalanced diet with insistence on junk food contributes towards piles.

* Hereditary factors may also be responsible for the pathogenic condition of piles.

* Pregnancy may well give rise to the condition of piles with the developing fetus exerting pressure on the vascular structures.

* Obese people and those prone to long hours of sitting are also more likely to develop piles.

* An obstruction or abnormal growth on the way to the anal canal can also lead to piles.

* Other factors contributing to the pathological condition of piles include age and vascular structure guarding the anal passage lacking in valves.

Types of Piles

Piles can be broadly classified into two broad kinds on the basis of their locations.

The ones located internally.

The ones located externally.

Symptoms of Piles

* Piles which tend to affect elderly people, often turns out to be a major source of irritation.

* The one located externally are more painful than the internal ones.

* The external ones exist as painful inflammation or swelling.

* Internally located piles can be a source of extreme irritation when they tend to hang out through the anal passage.

* The ones located internally are susceptible to take on a necrotic form, whereby they develop into clots of blood. Necrotic ones are however quite painful.

* One of the most common clinical features of piles includes passage of blood along with stool.

* Along with bleeding itching and irritation may also persist.

Home Remedies For Piles:
1.Wash 3-4 figs. Soak in a glass of water over night. Eat them first thing in the morning. Again repeat in the night.

2.Crush bitter gourd leaves and extract the juice. Mix 3 tsp in 1 glass of butte   rmilk, and drink on an empty stomach every morning, for a month.

3. Jamblang better known as jambul fruit is effective in treating piles. This fruit is available during the summers, so make full use of their availability. Eat a handful of jambul with a little salt early in the morning on an empty stomach,

4.Radish juice taken in the morning and night. Start with 1/4 a cup and increase to 1/2 a cup gradually over a period of 1 month.

5.Boil 1 ripe banana in 1 cup of milk, mash well. Take 3-4 times a day.

6.Turmeric has antiseptic and healing properties. Therefore, eat a teaspoon of ground, fresh turmeric root.

7.Powder dried mango seeds. Mix two teaspoons of this powder with a little honey and eat this twice a day.

8.Mix two tablespoons of honey to one grated raw onion. Have this twice a day.

9.Mix one teaspoon of ginger and lime juice along with mint leaves and honey. Have this two to three times a day.

10. Take 1 tbsp black cumin seeds (shah jeera), roast and mix with 1 tbsp of unroasted black cumin seeds and powder both together. Take 1/2 a tsp with a glass of water once a day.

11. Glass of butter milk made out of sour curd with a dash of lime and rock salt is also effective to cure the symptoms of piles.

12. Application of baking soda on the swollen veins also serves to reduce inflammation.

13. Juice extracted from carrot and beet root may be applied on a long piece of gauze to be applied on the swollen veins.

14. Sometimes an enema prepared with warm water boiling neem leaves and that of wheat grass may be administered to patients suffering from piles so as to clean the system of all its wastes.

15. To seek relief from bleeding due to piles, powder a teaspoon of mustard seeds and mix it with half a cup of goat's milk, adding a little sugar. Drink this early in the morning on an empty stomach.

16. Turnip better known as shalgam, is another useful remedy. Prepare a mixture of 50 ml each of carrot, spinach and turnip leaves juice.

17. Boil a handful of sesame seeds or til, in 500 ml of water, till its reduced to one-third. Make a paste of this and add a teaspoon of butter. Eat this once a day.

18.Application of coconut on the affected areas will give relief from the burning and itching.

19.Boil the peel of pomegranate in some water. Strain and drink this water twice a day.

20.For people suffering from piles, it is advisable that they go for whole grain cereals rather than the refined ones.Gruel of the boiled rice in addition to ripe banana and curd is one of the wholesome nutrients.

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