Saturday, 21 September 2013


Diarrhea can be your body's way of getting rid of undesirable substances that have found there way into your system. Among other things, diarrhea can be caused by viruses, bacteria, and food poisoning, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, and excessive alcohol consumption. Some medications, like antibiotics, can also cause diarrhea.

In healthy adults, diarrhea usually isn't a serious condition, and goes away on its own in a few days. But this condition can be quite serious in children. And, if it lasts for more than a few days, it can lead to dehydration, and the loss of vital nutrients.



For treating diarrhea, a great home remedy is to eat yogurt. Not just any plain yogurt as you need to eat one having live bacterial cultures such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium. These live cultures help to restore the ‘good’ bacteria in your intestine by producing lactic acid and destroy the ‘bad’ bacteria that caused diarrhea. Just two bowls of yogurt in a day can be helpful in treating diarrhea. Another effective remedy for treating diarrhea is to eat banana along with yogurt.

Both blueberries and black berries can be used in the treatment of diarrhea. For instance, you can make a soup from dried blueberries and drink it twice daily to give relief to your upset stomach. Blueberries have antioxidant and antibacterial properties along with tannins, which help a lot in treating diarrhea. At the same time blackberries are also a good source of tannins. During diarrhea, you must consume blackberry tea several times a day. To make the tea, boil one tablespoons of blackberries or dried blackberry leaves in half a glass of water for a few minutes. Strain the solution before drinking it.

Fenugreek Seeds....

Fenugreek seeds contain anti diarrheal properties and thus it is highly recommended for treatment of diarrhea at home. Take a handful of fenugreek seeds and eat it along with a cup of fresh yoghurt or water. Soon you will get relief from diarrhea within no time due to the high mucilage content present in the fenugreek seeds. Else take half teaspoon each of fenugreek seeds and roasted cumin seeds and add two tablespoon of yogurt to it and mix it properly. Have this mixture three times a day to get quick relief from diarrhea.

Clear Fluids....

When suffering from diarrhea, body becomes dehydrated. So, one effect way to treat diarrhea is to drink plenty of clear fluids. You must drink at least eight glasses of water along with coconut water and clear sodas (without caffeine). It is a good idea to add half a teaspoon of sea salt to a glass of water and then drink it two to three times a day. At the same time drinking sports drink that does not contain caffeine is also a great way to replace lost minerals and vitamins. When suffering from diarrhea, you must stay away from coffee, alcohol and non-clear drinks like orange juice or tomato juice.

Chamomile Tea....

Chamomile has antispasmodic properties that can help a lot when suffering from any kind of stomach disorder including diarrhea. At the same time it also helps a lot in the treatment of intestinal inflammation. You can make chamomile tea with chamomile flowers. Add one teaspoon of chamomile flowers and one teaspoon of peppermint leaves in a cup of boiling water and allow it to steep for ten minutes. Finally strain it and drink the tea at least three times a day. Apart from chamomile tea you can also try other kind of green tea to help your digestive system to function properly.


Carrot is one such fruit that you can consume while suffering from diarrhea as it is a good source of pectin. Drink fresh carrot juice several times a day to give your body the lost vitamins and minerals. In a glass of carrot juice you can add a few drops of lemon juice and some sugar or honey to sweeten it to your taste. Else you can cook and puree the carrot and then eat it. Cook some carrots until they become soft, and then with the help of blender and little water make a puree out of it. Eat half a cup of this puree several times a day.

Home Remedies For Piles / Hemorrhoids

Piles are medically known as haemorrhoids. It is a condition wherein the veins inside or outside the anus or lower rectum gets inflamed or swollen. Symptoms of piles include feeling of soreness, irritation or pain while passing stool. As a person passes stool, piles get aggravated because of pressure on the rectal area. In some cases, when the condition is severe, bleeding can also occur. 

Causes of Piles

* A number of factors are responsible for the development of piles.

* Irregularity in bowel movement with susceptibility towards constipation and diarrhea is one of the causes.

* Constipation aids the condition of piles by giving way to prolonged straining.

* Absence of fiber, imbalanced diet with insistence on junk food contributes towards piles.

* Hereditary factors may also be responsible for the pathogenic condition of piles.

* Pregnancy may well give rise to the condition of piles with the developing fetus exerting pressure on the vascular structures.

* Obese people and those prone to long hours of sitting are also more likely to develop piles.

* An obstruction or abnormal growth on the way to the anal canal can also lead to piles.

* Other factors contributing to the pathological condition of piles include age and vascular structure guarding the anal passage lacking in valves.

Types of Piles

Piles can be broadly classified into two broad kinds on the basis of their locations.

The ones located internally.

The ones located externally.

Symptoms of Piles

* Piles which tend to affect elderly people, often turns out to be a major source of irritation.

* The one located externally are more painful than the internal ones.

* The external ones exist as painful inflammation or swelling.

* Internally located piles can be a source of extreme irritation when they tend to hang out through the anal passage.

* The ones located internally are susceptible to take on a necrotic form, whereby they develop into clots of blood. Necrotic ones are however quite painful.

* One of the most common clinical features of piles includes passage of blood along with stool.

* Along with bleeding itching and irritation may also persist.

Home Remedies For Piles:
1.Wash 3-4 figs. Soak in a glass of water over night. Eat them first thing in the morning. Again repeat in the night.

2.Crush bitter gourd leaves and extract the juice. Mix 3 tsp in 1 glass of butte   rmilk, and drink on an empty stomach every morning, for a month.

3. Jamblang better known as jambul fruit is effective in treating piles. This fruit is available during the summers, so make full use of their availability. Eat a handful of jambul with a little salt early in the morning on an empty stomach,

4.Radish juice taken in the morning and night. Start with 1/4 a cup and increase to 1/2 a cup gradually over a period of 1 month.

5.Boil 1 ripe banana in 1 cup of milk, mash well. Take 3-4 times a day.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Home Remedies for Herpes

Herpes is an infection caused by herpes simplex virus. It commonly affects the eyes, mouth, skin, genitals, and anal area, which often cause sores near the area where the virus infected the body. These sores turn into itchy, painful blisters before healing. Herpes simplex virus is spread through direct (kissing, sexual contact, touching a sore) or indirect (sharing a drinking glass or cigarette) contact.

Natural Remedies for harpes:

Tea Bags:  Black tea contains a high concentration of tannins which have both anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. Simply make a cup of black tea and after allowing it to cool, place the warm tea bag on the affected area and leave it in place for approximately 5 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times per day.

Baking Soda: When applied to skin with a herpes infection, baking soda relieves itching and helps to dry out the sores. Simply dampen a cotton ball or piece of gauze, dip it into baking soda to coat, then apply to the affected area. To avoid contamination, do not re-dip the cotton or gauze into the box of baking soda.

Cold Therapy: A cold pack applied to the affected area helps to decrease inflammation, soothe the area, and inhibit the herpes simplex virus. The cold pack can be ice, a gel pack, or a bag of frozen vegetables. Wrap the cold pack in a cloth before applying it to the skin to avoid ice burns.

Aloe Vera Gel: Pure aloe vera gel soothes itching and helps heal the skin after a herpes outbreak. It also helps treat tenderness or redness that remain after the sore and scab have disappeared. Aloe vera gel can be applied to nearly every area of the body, including delicate skin and mucous membranes. If using a fresh plant, trim the sharp edges, cut a chunk, and rub the inner portion of the plant on the affected area. If using a packaged cream or gel, simply rub onto the affected area. It is especially soothing to chill the aloe vera before applying it to the skin.

Herbal Teas: Herbal teas, such as peppermint or chamomile, soothe the body and help to relieve pain and fever.

Epsom Salts: The Epsom salt bath is one of the useful home remedies for herpes. Epsom salt makes blisters dry and reduces itching. If you want to apply an Epsom salt remedy, just take a handful salt and put in a bowl with water. Soak the herpes infected area for 10-15 minutes. Then allow it to dry before having a shower.

Cornstarch: Cornstarch helps to reduce chafing, absorb excess moisture, relieve itching, and dry out herpes sores. Simply apply it to the skin as you would baby powde

Loose-Fitting Undergarments: Wearing loose undergarments prevents chafing, increases comfort, and allows for greater healing of herpes-related sores. Choose cotton fabric over nylon or other synthetic materials.

Domeboro Powder: Domeboro powder forms an astringent solution that is applied as a wet dressing or compress. It cools, soothes, and cleanses irritated and inflamed skin. To use Domeboro powder to treat herpes, mix one packet with water per the package directions, soak a cloth or piece of gauze in the solution, and apply it to the affected area.

Black coffee: Taking a black coffee for mouth herpes is a great home treatment. Blisters or herpes can happen in the mouth that is very much weird. You can treat all these blisters easily at home. Make a black coffee and let it be cool. Then sip the coffee and preserve in the mouth and move it on the lips. You can apply this remedy twice a day.

Cradle Cap Treatments At Home

Cradle cap is really one of these things about parentage that no one ever lets you know to really anticipate. All of the sudden your amazing small baby is shedding enormous yellow scales of nastiness out of their cherished head, and you (and the medical profession as a whole) don’t have much of a clue as to the main reason why. Luckily, there are quite a few cradle cap remedies that you can use at home.

(1) Coconut Oil
Even though you could use other oils like olive oil for this, coconut oil is exceptional and less controversial (some people are against olive oil for this issue). 1st, coconut oil is a pretty dry oil, meaning it won’t make an oily residue whenever you place it upon your child. No need to screw up all those beloved clothes you’re dressing him or her in, right? 2nd, coconut has antifungal properties. Therefore, in case your little honey’s cradle cap has progressed in to a little fungal problem, it helps work out the issue as fast as possible.

(2) Softening and Removing Cradle Cap Scales
Should you not yet possess a soft bristled baby brush, you’ll need to purchase one. While they might appear absurd for a kid who has a minimum amount of hair, they serve multiple functions in treating cradle cap. They enhance circulation to the entire scalp and help to get rid of flakes without hurting the baby.

All children are different, so just a little learning from your errors might be needed for this one. To soften scales, put on infant oil liberally to the infant’s scalp and massage it in. You are able to do it before or during the infant’s bath. Keep the oil on the infant’s scalp for a good while – in the event that you do that just before you put them in the tub, putting a hat on their head can assist the procedure. After the scales become more soft from the oil then use the soft bristled brush to remove them.

(3) Mineral Oil
Apply mineral oil to the infant’s scalp liberally. Allow it to soak for 2-3 hours at the very least, after which wash the infant’s scalp with infant shampoo. Utilize a wet wash cloth to lightly rub the infant’s scalp in small circles when you wash the hair. It may require several attempts until its gone completely. Keep doing this one or more times per week.

(4) Shea Butter
Shea butter easily melts and rapidly absorbs in to the skin. It is really a fantastic moisturizer, and is rich in vitamin A. Due to the numerous advantages it provides, shea butter is utilized in several beauty and haircare goods. It is helpful to alleviate psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and dry scalp. It absorbs fast and completely into the entire scalp without making a greasy residue, clogging the pores, or developing an accumulation of dandruff or oil.

(5) Vaseline
A lot of mamas swear by Vaseline. Put it in the hair at night (goopy but effective), and by morning, your little darling is flake-free. It can't hurt to try, right?

Home Treatments for Ringworm

What is ringworm?

Ringworm is a fungal skin infection. (It is not due to a worm as its name implies!) There are many types of fungal germs (fungi) and some can infect the skin, nails, and hair. This leaflet just deals with ringworm of the skin (sometimes called tinea corporis). Other leaflets deal with fungal infections of the scalp (scalp ringworm), foot (athlete's foot), groin (tinea cruris), and nails.

How can you catch ringworm?

* From person to person via touching an infected person, sharing towels, etc.
* From animals. Some dogs, cats, and other pets have fungal infections on their skin. They can pass on the infection, especially to children. (Animals can be treated too if you suspect a pet is the cause. See your vet.) Farm animals can also be a source. Touching a farm gate where infected animals pass through may be enough to infect your skin.
* Fungi are common and an infection may seem to occur for no apparent reason. These may occur because you have come into contact with fungi that are in the soil or that have contaminated objects that you touch.

What are the symptoms?

A small area of infected skin tends to spread outwards. It typically develops into a circular, red, inflamed patch of skin. The outer edge is more inflamed and scaly than the paler centre. So, it often looks like a ring that becomes gradually larger - hence the name ringworm. Sometimes only one patch of infection occurs. Sometimes several patches occur over the body, particularly if you catch the infection from handling an infected animal.

The rash may be mildly irritating, but sometimes it is very itchy and inflamed. The rash may vary depending on which type of fungus causes the infection. Sometimes fungal skin infections look similar to other skin rashes, such as psoriasis.
There are some natural home remedies.

Garlic is an astonishingly favorable member of antifungal foods which has been used for innumerable health conditions, including ringworm. The first in our list of at home remedies for ringworm merely needs you to peel a clove, reduce the garlic into slim slices, place it onto the ringworm, and protect the place with a band-aid overnight. You might attempt smashing the garlic up more if you like, or just rub the pieces on the place that is affected. More, it is possible to employ the garlic all through the day for best results.

This seasoning actually has some pretty great natural antibiotic qualities. Making use of a juice extractor, apply fresh turmeric juice onto the areas that are affected until you see the problem go away.

Aloe Vera
Most well-known for managing sun burns, Aloe Vera is an all natural remedy for ringworm and countless other skin problems. Apply the juice straight to the afflicted skin till the illness disappears.

Lavender Oil
Moving down the list of available home treatments for ringworm, lavender oil is yet another compound with powerful anti-fungal effects. Studies have shown how the oil doesn’t simply stop fungi from developing, but it actually kills fungal infections including ringworm, athlete’s foot, and Candidiasis.

Apple Cider Vinegar
As well as being appetizing on salads and helping relieve other ills like blood pressure problems, apple cider vinegar will remove ringworm. Making use of a cotton ball, utilize the vinegar by placing it straight onto the area being affected 3-5 times per day for 1 to 3 days.

Lemongrass Tea
Drink a glass of lemongrass tea 3 times per day. You should also apply the used tea bags directly to the areas that are affected while you’re drinking your delicious tea.

Vinegar and Salt

Form a paste of vinegar and salt and apply it directly onto the ringworm. Allow it to sit for 5 minutes. Those who have used this approach to handle ringworm say it tends to take about 7 days or so for the illness to dissipate.

Simple Home Remedies for Gas and Indigestion Problem

Indigestion refers to many gastrointestinal complaints, which includes gas and upset stomach. Gas is a common problem among most of us and also a highly embarrassing one. Some of the after effects include belching, flatulence and bloating. When food stays in the stomach for too long, it puts undue pressure on the stomach muscles and esophagus which is meant to stay closed to prevent re-flux  Most people don’t realize that indigestion is not caused by excess acid. The reason is just the opposite. When there is not enough acid in the stomach, the food sits there and does not get digested producing gas. We are advised to take early morning walks and avoid spicy and oily food. Even if this problem strikes you, which is most probable what can you do to about it? Rush to a doctor, rush to the nearest pharmacy or enter your kitchen and fiddle with some herbs.

Some Remedies for Gas:~


Ajwain also known as carom, ajowan or bishop’s weed as it is a small seed-like fruit of bishop weed plant; is a wonder drug. It is found only in certain parts of Asia. Remember when you were small; granny and mom would always serve a dish of ajwain rice. They were actually right in doing so. It has been considered to be the most reputed herb for preventing gas. Needless to say it is great for indigestion, nausea and even flatulence. A small amount of about 5-10 seeds can cure most of your stomach problems. However the potent odor makes it hard for us to consume it raw. You can crush the seeds in your hands to release the fragrance. One can also eat it with rice. Mix salt, asfoetida and half teaspoon carom seeds. Chew it and wash it down with water. It is an immediate cure to all your worries.


Warm water taken during indigestion is an instant pain-reliever. If the patient is unable to eat anything, they should be given warm water at regular intervals. This will give rest to the stomach and the toxic condition causing the inflammation will also ease off. Warm water is often the solvent for most of the laxative herbs like cumin, asafoetida and carom seeds. Nonetheless it will help you to retain the water levels in your body. Double benefit!


Fennel seeds or ‘saunf’ are the seeds of the fennel plant. You might have seen Indian restaurants serving you sugar-coated fennel seeds after your meal. Fennel seeds hold a special place in the Ayurveda. It plays a major role in treating gas, stomach and acid re-flux ailments. Chew on fennel seeds when you feel bloated or drink fennel tea. Fennel tea is prepared by crushed fennel seeds. Boil water; add fennel seeds and tea leaves to it. Allow the boiling mixture to steep for a minute. Add quarter cup milk and jaggery syrup. Boil for some time. Strain and serve warm.


Amla or gooseberry is a magical cure for a wide range of problems including those of hair, skin, heart, stomach etc. It is very effective in regulating the bowel movements. Amla juice is advised in the morning on an empty stomach to cure constipation. Amla being rich in fiber controls acidity and keeps abdominal discomfort at bay. It is easily available in the market at vegetable vendors and doesn’t hurt your pocket. So gas or not, make sure to consume it on a regular basis. After all, it doesn’t hurt to be a little precautionary rather late


Freshly churned buttermilk is easier to digest than milk as the fat has been reduced. Due to this, those with indigestion problems are advised to consume buttermilk rather than skim milk. The former has more lactic acid. It not only heals gas problems but also helps to keep you stay fit. Adding a bit of powdered and roasted cumin seeds and a tint of salt will only increase its effectiveness. When the sun is too harsh to bear or your stomach is taking the better off you, treat yourself to a glass of cool and comforting buttermilk. It contains some of the digestion-friendly bacteria which boost your digestion system excellently.


It is pleasant on your taste and always available. Ginger is considered to be the best cure of indigestion by some. Ginger juice mixed with warm water and sugar to taste is supposed to cure bloating and flatulence. It is a traditional cure for treating dyspepsia. Ginger tea is effective and easy to prepare. Boil water; add tea powder and a small piece of ginger. Leave it to boil for 3 minutes. Strain and add desired amount of sugar. Your ginger light tea is ready to be sipped. If you are too lazy to prepare tea or no one is present to help you with its juice, just pop in a few small pieces of ginger and chew on them. It is exceptionally good to treat hyper acidity.


One conventional home treatment for gas is the use of lemon and baking soda. Put the juice of one fresh lemon in a glass and then add some baking soda to it. This will lead to fizzing. Add some more baking soda and finally add a cup of water and stir properly to allow the baking soda to dissolve properly. Drink this solution slowly and soon you will get relief as this drink will work as an effective antacid. For instant relief from stomach gas you can add a small amount of baking soda in one glass of water and drink it on empty stomach. 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Home Remedies for Eczema Scars

Eczema is a kind of chronic skin problem where inflammation on the outer layer of the skin happens. Eczema can happen due to excessive stress, allergies, dandruff,  change in weather, hormonal changes in the body and so on.

Some of the symptoms of eczema are skin redness, itching, dryness, blistering, bleeding and scabbing. Often eczema leaves behind ugly scars which take a lot of time to disappear.

Home remedies for eczema scars:~

Oatmeal can give you instant relief from itching caused by any kind of skin problem. You can regularly take an oatmeal bath to soothe the skin affected from eczema. Grind one to two cups of oatmeal with the help of a grinder or blender. Then add the ground oatmeal in the warm water of a bathtub. Now allow your body to soak in this oatmeal bathwater for twenty minutes to half an hour. Finally pat dry your skin using a very soft towel to retain the moisture on your skin. Follow this remedy up to three times a day depending on the severity of the scar caused by eczema.


Lemon juice is also a great eczema scar home remedy. The acidic property of lemon juice acts as a natural antiseptic that can lighten old eczema scars. Take fresh lemon juice and apply it onto the affected area twice daily and leave it for a few minutes. The vitamin C present in lemon juice will help your body to create new skin cells and will brighten the skin tone. Alternatively you can exfoliate the skin with a mixture made from one part lemon juice and one part sugar. Try to do this remedy before going to bed. Also drink water with lemon juice several times a day to remove the toxins from your system.


Honey is used for different kinds of skin problems including eczema scars. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of honey can reduce the eczema scars to a great extent. You can apply honey directly onto the affected skin area after washing the area properly. Else you can make a scrub of honey and crystallized sugar to scrub the affected area gently for a few minutes. Finally rinse the excess honey from the skin with cold water. Repeat this remedy daily until the scar is healed completely.

Baking Soda:

Using baking soda can also help in removing the scarred skin. Baking soda can remove the dead cells from the skin without causing itchiness. Take two tablespoon of baking soda and mix it with one tablespoon of water to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste onto the eczema scars and gently massage the area in circular movements for one to two minutes. Rinse the area properly with lukewarm water. Soon you will notice that redness and inflammation around the scarred skin has reduced a lot.

Fish Oil:

Regular intake of fish oil can also help to minimize the eczema scars. The omega-3 fatty acids which are found in fish oil will heal the inflammatory symptoms associated with eczema and soon the scars will fade away. Start taking fish oil three times daily in doses of 1,200 milligrams to get rid of scars left by eczema. Alternatively, you can also include food times enriched with fish oil in your diet to treat the scars created by eczema.

Simple Home Remedies for Quick Weight Gain

Most important….

1. Eat three meals and two snacks per day. 

2. Don’t miss your breakfast, lunch & dinner, as well as 2-3 snacks in between.
3. Those who want to gain weight should eat frequent small quantity meals. Consume low fat food, high in calories & nutrients such as starchy vegetables, nuts, seeds etc.
4. Avoid consume of products that are made from white flour and sugar.

Fruits & dry fruits
1. Increase your consumption of milk, dry dates, nuts, raisins, figs, musk-melons, mangoes etc.
2. Eat muskmelon 2-3 times a day for 30-40 days.
3. Another very helpful remedy is, soak 2 almonds, 2 dates and 1 anjeer (figs) in milk for overnight and drink it in the morning for 30-45 days.
4. Add dessert like Halwa (made from carrots and dry fruits), khir/vermicelli with Raisins & almonds in your regular diet.

Dairy Products
Increase the consumption of dairy products like milk, curd and cheese. But do not eat too much anything because it will have risk of indigestion, high blood pressure etc. Add ghee and butter in your regular diet.

Mango and milk
Eat 1-2 ripe mangos in 3 portions throughout a day, after each portion drink 1 cup of milk. Drink mango shake once or twice a day.

Banana is known as excellent source for weight gain Eat 1-2 well ripen banana with a glass of milk in your breakfast. Also eat 1-2 bananas after every heavy meal for digestion improvement. You can also drink banana milk shake regularly.

Drink a lot of water daily. Being hydrated is very significant for our body, particularly as your body is going through changes.

Regular exercise
Improve up your appetite by regular exercise, brisk walk, jogging, weight exercise etc. Work at least for 45 minutes daily. 

Exercise is very important to gain weight as it improves our appetite. Do weight exercise, brisk walking, swimming or other outdoor sports to stay healthy and active. 

Yogasanas/ yoga practices such as Savasana (Corpse Pose), Sirshasana (Headstand), Pavan Mukta Asana (Wind releasing pose), Vajra Asana (Diamond pose) etc.

If possible take afternoon sleep for 30 minutes -1 hour. Don’t sleep late at night, sleep at least 7 hour.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Home Remedies for a Runny Nose

A runny nose may not hurt, but it certainly is annoying. What's more, if not cared for properly, nasal discharge can lead to sinus problems, coughing and ear aches.

Fortunately, though, it's not hard to find a natural home remedy for a runny nose that will help you go through those tissues a little less quickly.

...Mustard oil ...

Another simple but effective home remedy for a runny nose is plain mustard oil. Heat a little of the oil until it's barely warm. Use a dropper to put just a drop in one nostril. Give the oil a minute or two to absorb, then put oil in the other nostril. Because the oil is so strongly scented, it makes it a little hard to breath, so only so do one nostril at a time.

...Salt water ...

One of the simplest ways to clear out the toxins that cause a runny nose is to wash the nostrils with a saltwater solution. It is a little uncomfortable, but it doesn't take long. Dissolve a tablespoon of ordinary salt in eight ounces of warm water. Suck a little into a dropper and, with just the tip of the dropper in your nostril, drop the solution into your nose. Then inhale very gently to draw the water in further. It may take a few drops before you feel any improvement. Finally, blow your nose to clear out any excess water and nasal discharge.
...Spicy foods... 

If you're one of the many who reach for the tissues every time you eat hot peppers or curry, it may seem a little odd to suggest that spicy foods can work as a home remedy for a runny nose. While it's obvious that hot foods clear up nasal congestion, they can also help you cure your runny nose. 
What you're actually doing is temporarily increasing nasal discharge so that your body can flush out the blockage and toxins that are making your nose run in the first place. In any case, spicy foods, particularly cayenne peppers and ginger, help increase circulation, which will warm you up if you have the chills
Garden-variety thyme also works as a home remedy for a runny nose. Take a tablespoon or two or dry thyme and crush it as finely as possible. You should end up with a powder. If you happen to have a mortal and pestle, this is the easiest way to do it, but the back of a spoon will work, as well. Then gently inhale the powdered thyme. You can also use oil of thyme in the same way as the mustard oil mentioned above.
...Prop up your head ...

Propping your head up while you sleep can also help you get over a running nose faster. This helps the nasal discharge drain out instead of running down your throat and causing coughing and ear aches. Try to keep your head elevated at least 10 inches.
If you're trying to cure a runny nose, rest assured that you don't have to resort to potentially harmful nasal sprays to do it. You can start off simply with a bowl of spicy chili to clear your nasal passages and if that doesn't work experiment with a salt water cleanse, thyme powder or another natural home remedy for a runny nose.

...Chew raw ginger...

Chewing raw ginger really soothes runny nose quickly. Take a fresh ginger and squeeze it. Chew all with salt. Take as much as you can. Garlic is well known for its lot of health benefits.

...Herbal tea...

Herbal tea really works excellent for runny nose. I’ve tested one more herbal tea on my own. Among them, ginger tea is the best one. Let’s prepare it. Take few fresh slices of ginger and boil them for 5-7 minutes with a mug of water. You can put a cinnamon stick to add a pleasant aroma. Take a tea bag in a mug with necessary sugar. Pour the flavored water in a tea mug and enjoy the greatest herbal tea after adding a little lemon extract.

Natural Gout Treatments

The disease affecting one or more than one joints, gout happens to be a physiological condition involving inflammation of the affected joints leading to piercing pain. Caused by an excess of uric acid in bloodstream; gout leads to inflammation and pain on account of the crystallization of uric acid around the joints. Basically, gout is of two kinds- chronic and acute. Resulting from the accumulation and crystallization of uric acid, gout of 'acute' type usually affects one particular joint; whereas in cases of chronic gout more than one particular joint may be affected. As part of chronic gout; the sufferer may come under several spells of painfully severe attacks.

Generally afflicting men and, women after menopause, it tends to affect those susceptible to alcohol and medications based on "Hydrochlorothiazide". This excruciatingly painful disease however has a number of home based remedial measures.

What are the symptoms of gout?

The pain associated with gout is often sudden and intense. Joints tend to swell, and can be warm to the touch. The skin around the joint may also take on a deep red or purple hue. People who have had gout for extended periods of time may develop nodules beneath the skin near joints; these are accumulations of uric acid crystals. Attacks can recur in the same joint over weeks, months or years, and repeated bouts of gout can damage the joint. Kidney damage can also occur.

What are the causes of gout?

Gout has a strong genetic component. The hallmark of gout is elevated blood levels of uric acid, a breakdown product of protein metabolism (a distinction should be made by a physician between true gout and pseudogout, a similarly painful, arthritic condition that occurs when calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate crystals are deposited in a joint). Uric acid comes from the metabolism of purines, a subclass of proteins that are abundant in human tissues and such foods as organ meats, sardines, anchovies, mushrooms, asparagus and lentils. Also, a number of drugs and supplements can increase uric acid levels in the blood and its tendency to form irritating crystals in joints. These include salicylates (the active component of aspirin), vitamin B3 (niacin), excess vitamin C and diuretics that may be prescribed for high blood pressure, edema or, cardiovascular disease. Others are Cyclosporine (used to prevent rejection of transplanted organs) and Levodopa for Parkinson's disease. Excess alcohol consumption, being overweight, and exposure to lead in the environment also increase the risk of gout in genetically susceptible individuals. Other risk factors include dehydration and acid conditions of the blood that can result from serious infections, surgery or ketogenic weight loss diets (such as the Atkins diet). The genetic component should not be underestimated, however. It is possible to have high levels of uric acid and never develop gout.

Natural Treatments for Gout & Home Remedies

1. In cases of severe spells of repeated attacks; diet rich in animal protein should be avoided because red meat, organs of animals and those high in oil content aggravate the conditions of gout.
Similarly alcoholic beverages should also be avoided.

2. Likewise, the malic acid of apple is also beneficial for joint/joints affected by gout. The mentioned acid also neutralizes the excess uric acid. A patient suffering from it is advised to consume one apple on a regular basis.

3. Banana is also effective and can be included in ones diet during the therapeutic stage. Cherries both sweet and sour may be consumed before breakfast to counter the inflammatory conditions of gout. The 'anthocyanins' content of cherries serve to heal the leading symptoms of painful inflammations and joint tenderness. Colored grapes, raspberries and black berries are also beneficial.

4. Usually affecting the toe joint; patients affected with acute gout are often advised to take hot foot bath in water enriched with Epsom salt. In case the conditions affecting more than one joint regular bathing in luke warm water with dashes of Epsom salt proves to be relieving.

5. Application of cold compress and packs to the painfully inflammated joints may also prove to be soothing and relieving. A sheet of disinfected clothe may be filled with crushed ice to be applied on the painful joint when a patient comes under the bout of sudden and excruciatingly painful attack. But frequent application of ice packs should be avoided because excess exposure to the fall in temperature also accounts for crystallization of uric acid.

6. In place of either hot or cold packs; a pack made out of mustard powder, wheat flour and sufficient amount of water can be made to be applied as a thick jelly to the affected areas. You may use cotton or gauze to apply the prepared jelly.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Tips for Neck Pain Relief

Roughly half of the clients I see all have the same complaint - neck and shoulder pain. We develop neck pain for a myriad of different reasons such as stress, poor posture, poor work place ergonomics, poor pillow support or even because of reasons that aren't so cut and dry. Sometimes, our neck can bother us because of a problem in our knees, or tight hamstrings.

Here they are, 5 Tricks you can do right now, to give yourself a break from the pain in your neck, without popping any medication.

1. Stretch the truth: Or rather, the truth is: stretch it! But definitely do it in a way that doesn’t go too far – stretching your neck should not be the same as stretching the rest of your body. Because the muscles in your neck are more slender, plus the fact that you have a lot of nerves and important blood vessels running through there, you run the risk of hurting yourself by over-stretching. The best answer? Use a mirror: look at yourself in a mirror and draw small to medium-sized circles with your chin. This will help move your neck without going too far. Next, draw figure-eights with your chin, still watching yourself in the mirror. Finally, turn perpendicular to the mirror, and turn your head towards the mirror. Make sure that you turn only enough so that you can see your opposite ear, no farther. And most of all, think of it as movement rather than actual stretching – this will help you prevent injury.

2. Heat it up: Ice is good within the first 24 hours after inflammation starts, but once that time has passed start adding heat – especially if the pain in your neck is chronic (i.e. more than a few months old). Heating pads, hot water bottles and so on are great. Just be careful not to put anything too hot directly onto your skin: use a towel in between if you need to. Do this for 20 minutes, then let your muscles rest for 20 minutes without heat. Repeat this cycle 3 times.

3. Let it soak in: Taking a bath is a great way to give your muscles a chance to relax, and to help relieve some of that tension in your neck. Make sure that you add something to your bath though – the hot water alone will help, but not nearly as much as some additives will. Epsom salts are made of magnesium sulfate, which can help relax your muscles and also release endorphins (those ‘feel good’ chemicals in your brain). Adding an essential oil such as lavender or eucalyptus can also increase the effectiveness of a nice, hot, 20-minute soak.
4. Rub it in: Using some kind of cream or balm for pain relief is often a great option for neck pain relief, especially if you’re on the go. Something like arnica, a homeopathic herb, is great for absolving pain issues. So are other options such capsaicin, as well as some Chinese herbal ointments. Anything with menthol in it should be avoided, however, for pregnant and nursing women, as well as for children and even if you think that you might be allergic or are taking a drug that could possibly have an issue with an adverse interaction.

How to get rid of black knees and elbows

The buildup of thick and dead skin formed by the friction or pressure in elbows or knees or in ankles causes the skin to turn black.It is really embarrassing for women to wear short skirts or sleeveless dresses with black knees and elbows can happen to any person regardless of the color of their skin. Getting too much sun and not exfoilating yours skin add to the darkeing of the skin.You can easily get rid of these dark knees and elbows using various home remedies.The home remedies should be based on exfoilation and bleaching of the skin.

What do we know about the skin around knees and elbows?

It is usually thicker than its surroundings and has more folds, is rough and dry and appears to be dirty even though the part may have been covered like full sleeved clothes and jeans. The skin is at least a tone darker than the original skin color. It looks ugly and never seems to restore to its original state.

Why is the skin dark? 

Have you seen a baby with dark elbows and knees? No, obviously. It is the result of friction like leaning on the elbows or knees which causes the maximum problem. In schools, we are supposed to sit on the ground or participate in sports an activity which causes the knee skin to grow drier. And, of course, due to our bad habits, we seem to lean on our elbows rather than sit straight and keep a good posture. The other cause is lack of hygiene and improper care. So, your affected areas need more care now on.

Eliminating the dead cells should enjoy central importance in our skin care. However, it seems that the least appreciated spots as elbows and the knees are always left out. In fact, these are the skin sections of our body that store a multitude of dead tissues and tend to darken due to this factor. In order to prevent the discoloration of the skin it is advisable to pay special attention to less visible spots too. Including the thorough exfoliation into our skin care routine is the password towards banishing these dark spots.

If the drama already happened and you have your knees and elbows already stained, experiment with mild skin lightening. Skin bleaching, especially when prepared of organic ingredients can give back the natural tone to the affected areas. Follow the instructions and the recipes carefully for a quick and efficient result.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Do You Suffer Eye Pain?

After day long work over computer, your eyes may pain and turn red. The burning sensation in the eyes may be due to stress and constant staring at the bright light as it increases the pressure in the eyes. Today, we will discuss on a few home remedies to cure eye pain.

Take a look. Eyes are the most sensitive organ of our body. They require special care as they are very delicate and important part. Due to pollution and computer usage, they tend to get irritated and result in poor vision and disease. Some home remedies will help.

What Causes Eye Pain?

Discomfort or pain can be caused by a problem in the eye or structures around it, including:

.. Cornea: Clear window in the front of the eye that focuses incoming light
.. Sclera: White outside wall of the eye
.. Conjunctiva: Ultrathin covering of the sclera and inside the eyelid
.. Iris: Colored part of the eye, with the pupil in the middle
.. Orbit: Bony cave where the eye and eye muscles are
.. Extraocular muscles: Muscles that rotate the eye
.. Nerves: Carry visual information from the eyes to the brain
.. Eyelids: Outside covering of the eye, which protects and continually spreads moisture over the eyes

Eye problems can include:

Blepharitis: Inflammation or infection of the eyelid that causes irritation or pain.

Conjunctivitis ( commonly called pinkeye): Inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by allergies or infections (viral or bacterial). Blood vessels in the conjunctiva become engorged, and the normally white part of the eye looks red. Other symptoms usually include itchiness and discharge.

Corneal abrasions: A scratch on the cornea is called an abrasion. It can be very painful. The cornea is vulnerable to injuries from children's flying fingers, errant tree branches, or tennis balls. With antibiotic drops and close monitoring by your doctor, corneal abrasions generally resolve completely without future problems.

Corneal infections (called keratitis): Inflamed or infected cornea sometimes caused from shingles (herpes zoster) or from wearing contact lenses overnight or without inadequate disinfection.

Foreign bodies: Something in the eye -- a bit of dirt, plant debris, or a fragment of a contact lens. These are usually just irritating, and tears or water rinse them out. If not removed, foreign bodies can cause corneal abrasions.

Glaucoma: Eye condition that usually has no early symptoms. In the case of acute angle closure glaucoma, though, pressure inside the eye rises suddenly. Symptoms include severe eye pain, nausea and vomiting, headache, and decreased vision. These symptoms are an emergency and need immediate treatment to prevent blindness.

Iritis or uveitis: Inflammation inside the eye, which is uncommon. Can be due to trauma, infections, or autoimmune conditions. Symptoms include pain, red eye, and, often, decreased vision.

Optic neuritis: When the nerve traveling from the back of the eyeball into the brain becomes inflamed. Multiple sclerosis or other autoimmune conditions or infections are often the cause. Symptoms include loss of vision and sometimes pain.

Sinusitis: Infection in one of the sinus cavities, which can create pressure behind the eyes, causing eye pain on one or both sides.

Stye (also called a hordeolum): An often painful infection or inflammation of the edges of the eyelid caused from the eyelash hair follicles or from oil glands. Usually a stye has a very localized, very tender area on one eyelid.

Eye Pain Home Remedies:

1. Rubbing palms for a few seconds and placing on the eyes gently will relax the strained eye muscles. The warm pressure also improves blood circulation. 

2. Soaking a ball of cotton in ice water and placing them on eye lids for about half an hour will cure the burning sensation and eye redness.

3. Sunbathing is also a nice way to get relieved from eye pain. Stretching your eyes by moving the eye balls in all the direction and allowing more sunlight to penetrate into eyes will de-stress as well as improve circulation.

4. While taking a good care of your face also concentrate on your eyes. A few slices of cucumber or potato will soothe the eyes as well as reduce puffiness around the strained eyes.

5. Eating vitamin A rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, soya, orange, papaya, apples and grapes will provide nutrition to the eyes and cure all types of deficiency related eye infections. If the eye redness persists for a longer period then it is best to seek the doctor's advice. 

6.Taking breaks from computer use and trying to focus the farthest object of your sight will be a good exercise to eye pain.

12 Foods That Cleanse the Liver

Modern society is a sad state that produces many over-processed livers. When we overeat or eat processed or fried foods, and, anytime we are exposed to environmental pollutants or stress, the liver becomes overworked and overloaded. When the liver is taxed, it can’t process toxins and fat in an efficient way. There are many foods that can help cleanse the liver naturally by stimulating its natural ability to clean toxic waste from the body.

1. Turmeric:
The liver’s favorite spice. Try adding some of this detoxifying goodness into your next lentil stew or veggie dish for an instant liver pick-me-up. Turmeric helps boost liver detox, by assisting enzymes that actively flush out dietary carcinogens.

2. Lemon & lime:
These citrus fruits contain very high amounts of vitamin C, which aids the body in synthesizing toxic materials into substances that can be absorbed by water. Drinking freshly-squeezed lemon or lime juice in the morning helps stimulate the liver.

3. Appel:
High in pectin, apples hold the chemical constituents necessary for the body to cleanse and release toxins from the digestive tract. This, in turn, makes it easier for the liver to handle the toxic load during the cleansing process.

4. Garlic:
Just a small amount of this pungent white bulb has the ability to activate liver enzymes that help your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing.

5. Green Vegetables:
 One of our most powerful allies in cleansing the liver, leafy greens can be eaten raw, cooked, or juiced. Extremely high in plant chlorophylls, greens suck up environmental toxins from the blood stream. With their distinct ability to neutralize heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides, these cleansing foods offer a powerful protective mechanism for the liver.

Try incorporating leafy greens such as bitter gourd, arugula, dandelion greens, spinach, mustard greens, and chicory into your diet. This will help increase the creation and flow of bile, the substance that removes waste from the organs and blood.