Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Treating For Burn Skin

You can get burned by a number of different sources, the most common of which are hot liquids, hot objects, chemicals, steam, electricity, the sun, and fire.

For diagnostic and treatment purposes, burns are generally categorized into the following three classifications:

First, Second, and Third Degree Burns:

First it’s important to recognize that all burns fall into 1 of 3 categories: first degree, second degree, and third degree. First and second degree burns can almost always be handled with simple home remedies and natural treatments, but third degree burns are quite serious and do deserve medical attention.

First Degree Burns Affecting the outer layer of skin (the epidermis), first degree burns may cause pain and redness, but don’t result in blistering or anything of serious concern. A burn happening within the home or sunburns are most often first-degree and can be handled with one or more of the home remedies you”ll see below.

Second Degree Burns –  Affecting both the epidermis and an underlying skin layer called the dermis, second-degree burns can cause blistering and are much more painful than first-degree burns. These burns shouldn’t be too concerning and can be treated with natural, home treatments. Be sure to observe for infection, though.

Third Degree Burns – The most serious of burns, third-degree burns are highly destructive and do deserve medical attention. These burns damage the deepest skin layers and can damage blood vessels, glands, nerves, fat, and even muscle or bone. Oddly enough, these burns may be painless due to nerve-destruction.

Home Remedies:


When suffering from a burn, honey can surely be used to get some relief. Honey can successfully disinfect wounds and heal burns. When honey is applied to a burn, it draws out fluids from the tissues and thus cleaning the burned area. Put honey on a gauze bandage and then apply it directly on the burn. Change the bandage three to four times a day for faster healing with less pain and scarring.

Aloe Vera:

For treating minor and first degree burns you can apply fresh aloe vera juice or aloe vera gel. Aloe vera has painkilling, astringent and tissue-healing properties that can help in healing the burned area. But before using aloe vera, you must treat the affected area with cold water or vinegar. Simply cut a small piece of the aloe vera leaf, and apply the fresh gel directly on the burn. If you do not have fresh aloe vera plant at your home, you can even apply a cream having the goodness of aloe vera.

Onion Juice:

The healing power of onion juice can be successful used to treat minor or first degree burns. Onion juice has got chemicals like sulphur compounds and quercetin that can give relief from pain. Cut a fresh onion and apply the juice onto a minor burn. It will give you relief from the pain and will reduce the chance of blistering. Repeat the process several times a day. Here you must bear in mind to use freshly cut onion only, as after a few minutes the onions lose their medicinal properties and will not be beneficial for treating burns.

Egg White:

To treat minor burns at home you can also use egg whites. Take egg white of one or two eggs depending upon the size of the burn. Coat the burned area in egg white and allow it to dry naturally. As long as the egg white is wet you will feel no pain. When the egg white dries up, reapply fresh egg whites on the burned area. It will fasten the healing process and will also reduce the chance of scarring.

Cold Water:

Cold water is just one of the things that can be used to treat burns at home. Run cold water over the burn area for several minutes. Else you can even place cold compresses over the affected area. This will take out the heat from the burn. This remedy should be followed within seconds of getting a burn to stop the burn from spreading. Try to repeat the remedy every few hours to get relief from pain. But never make the mistake of using ice as it can restrict blood flow that can eventually cause damage to the delicate tissues. Instead of water you can also use cold whole milk.

Banana peels:

 Sometimes, putting a banana peel on the burned area of the skin till it becomes black has proved beneficial for burn injuries. Yogurt also makes a person feel better but you should wait for at least 30 minutes before you apply this. Swabbing olive oil too brings relief.

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