Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Tips to prevent hair loss

If you are suffering from hair loss, you have reached the right spot to find out how to stop hair loss naturally. Here we discuss hair loss, causes of hair loss, ways to stop hair loss, foods to stop hair loss and much more…

While hair loss may not necessarily be a disease in the conventional sense, it can still cause a lot of suffering. Traditionally, hair loss has been regarded negatively, and subconsciously associated with aging and loss of beauty. Thus hair loss, especially if it is premature, is capable of causing great emotional turmoil and in some cases, may even lead to social withdrawal.

No one can understand the agony of an individual who is going through hair fall than the one who has experienced the pain
. Let’s take a look at some effective tips to prevent hair loss:


Spinach contains a good amount of nutrients and antioxidants. This green leafy vegetable is a good source of vitamins B, C, and E, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids that are required for healthy hair growth. The nutritional profile of spinach makes it an excellent superfood for anyone longing for lovely locks. At the same time spinach tastes good and most people like it. You can drink a glass of spinach juice, try spinach soup, make a plate of spinach salad or make a dish with spinach. Along with spinach, you must also eat other green vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and Swiss chard to prevent hair loss.

Hot oil treatments

Take any natural oil - olive, coconut, canola - and heat it
up so that it is warm, but not too hot. Massage it gently into your scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave it on for an hour, then shampoo your hair.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds contain plenty of hair loss preventing nutrients including protein, zinc, selenium, biotin, potassium, copper, iron, B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium and calcium. They are also high in omega-6 fatty acids. When it comes to sunflower seeds there is no need to eat it in excess as too much consumption of sunflower seeds can even lead to hair loss. You can eat a handful of raw sunflower seeds to encourage healthy hair growth. Else you can sprinkle some of the sunflower seeds on salads and steamed vegetables. You can even mix sunflower seeds into anything that you wish to bake.

Natural juices

You can rub your scalp with either garlic juice, onion juice or ginger juice. Leave it on overnight and wash it thoroughly in the morning.


Beans are a great low calorie source of protein, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc and minerals which are essential for hair growth. Beans also contain good amount of iron, which is necessary to prevent hair loss. Your diet plan must include different types of fresh or dried beans to give your hair the much needed nutrients for better hair growth. There are different types of beans such as kidney beans, black beans, navy beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, soybeans and so on. Beans can be added to salads, casseroles, and side dishes. Beans can also be pureed into dips and spreads.

Get a head massage

Massaging your scalp for a few minutes daily will help stimulate circulation. Good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Circulation may be improved through massage by using a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base.


Protein is a primary constituent of hair and hence you need to eat protein based foods such as egg. Egg is a good source of protein, along with biotin and B vitamins, which help in controlling hair loss problem. The protein present in egg is considered high quality protein and is excellent for hair growth and hair strength. It is better to eat both the egg white and yolk, but those who do not like the taste of yolk can eat egg whites only to enjoy proper hair growth. Try to eat one egg daily or every alternate day. You can eat scrambled egg, fried egg or simply boiled egg for healthy hair depending upon how you like it.


Apply warm green tea (two bags brewed in one cup of water) on your scalp and leave this mixture on for an hour and then rinse. Green tea contains antioxidants which prevent hair loss and boost hair growth.


Body needs protein in order to produce quality hair and lean beef is a great way to give your body the protein it needs. Beef contains a good amount of protein along with B vitamins, iron, and zinc. Beef can be consumed twice or thrice a week for optimal hair growth provided you do not have the problem of high cholesterol level. For better result, try to eat fresh beef instead of the packaged version. You can eat beef in different forms such as soup, salad or as a main dish. If you do not like the taste of beef, then you can opt for other lean meats such as bison, pork and lamb to encourage hair growth.

Practice meditation

Believe it or not, most of the times, the root cause for hair loss isstress and tension. Meditation can help in reducing that and restore hormonal balance.


Carrots are good for eye sight and can also be used to control hair loss. Carrots contain a good amount of beta-carotene, an important nutrient that promotes healthy hair. Also the Vitamin A present in carrots helps in producing healthy sebum for the scalp. Carrots can be taken in many forms; the best is of course in the form of juice which can be mixed with a pinch of lemon juice to make it taste better. A glass of carrot juice in the morning is a great way to start the day. You can also eat carrot as a fruit, or opt for steamed carrots or a make a healthy carrot soup.

Cut Caffeine

I find this one the hardest! Caffeine is a diuretic, which makes you urinate out more liquid than you take in causing dehydration. Dehydration of your body and hair roots is another key reason for hair loss. Replace your daily coffee intake with a fruit beverage, milk or any other non-caffeinated drink to those shiny and healthy hair.


** Try to relax and have an optimistic view on things. A healthy mind leads to a healthy body.
** Remember to drink 8 cups of water a day. It's great for your skin and hair.
** Try not to use straighteners, curlers or other chemical products such as dyes excessively, these can damage your hair if used too frequently.
**Avoid brushing hair when wet, as the hair tends to fall easier.
** Stick to one shampoo or gel.
** Oiling your hair can help keep hair healthier.

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